How To Make An Appointment

What is the difference between a ” WELLVision”(routine) eye examination  vs “Medical” Eye Examination?  

Office visits to an Optometric Physician are usually categorized as either “WELLVision” (routine) or “Medical”.   This terminology has appointmentnothing to do with the steps it takes to perform a comprehensive eye exam.    A comprehensive “WELLVision” examination often contains some of the same elements as a comprehensive “Medical” eye exam.

The type of eye examination our patients require is determined by the reason for their visit or “Chief Complaint”, as well as any Medical diagnosis.   WELLVision examinations usually produces final diagnoses such as “nearsightedness, farsightedess or astigmatism”, while Medical eye examination produces diagnoses such as “glaucoma, cataracts, foreign body, conjunctivitis.”   Most insurance companies focus on the chief complaint and the diagnosis.

1)   EMERGENCY Medical Appointment

If you are in need of EMERGENCY or URGENT Medical Eye care call our office at 304-636-9111 and notify the receptionist that you are in need of emergency care and they will help you get in as a priority!   If after hours call the doctors pager at 304-987-9113. If you are unable to contact us you should contact your local hospital’s emergency room!

2)  WELLVision  Examination

If you are interested in making an appointment for a WELLVision examination call 304-636-9111 and the receptionist will guide you through the steps in obtaining the necessary information.   Vision plans provide coverage for routine or WELLVision examinations (the need for glasses, and contact lenses). If you have trouble with your vision (nearsighted, farsighted, astigmatism, etc.), your visit is considered a WELLVision exam . 

If you are a returning patient it should be more streamlined.  Generally you should not need to wait more than a few days even for a routine appointment unless you need specific days/times (such as after school) which could lengthen your wait.  We also offer a cancellation list and if you can be flexible on your appointment, you may be able to get in within a day!  The staff works diligently to get you in as quickly as possible as well as working within your schedule.

3)  Medical Examination

If you have a medical problem (infection, corneal disorders, diabetes, a lazy eye, cataracts, glaucoma suspect, dry eye, double vision, etc.), your visit is considered a medical office visit.  If you have medical insurance it can be billed to your medical plan. 

(Many medical plans are no longer paying for eye exams because of a diagnosis of blurred vision or a headache because some eye care providers have been unethically taking advantage of this loophole. They are considering this a WellVision exam and are often not paying for the exam.

4) Specialized Appointment

If you are in need of testing or treatment (e.g. a visual fields test or bifocal contact lens fit) simply call same number and the receptionist will be happy to answer your questions and walk you through the process!

FECC cares for our patients vision needs, ONE patient at a time.  We strive to provide quality…not “assembly line quantity Eye Care”! 
Call 304-636-9111 to schedule an appointment.